CEEPUS Central European Exchange Program for University Studies


The Program aims at promoting and supporting academic exchange programs within the scope of professional education and improvement of both students and academics. It enables intensification of contacts between higher education institutions of the Member Countries (Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Romania,  Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Kosovo - Prishtina University).      

CEEPUS scholarships are awarded to students for studies/internships as well as vocational trainings in the above mentioned countries whereas academic teachers are awarded scholarships for the activities strengthening the Central European character of university curricula.
Scholarships for students are awarded for 10 months in one academic year (subject to minimum 3 month stay).
Contact and information:

Polish CEEPUS Office
tel.+48 22 390 35 12
e-mail: ceepus@nawa.gov.pl
https://nawa.gov.pl/en/institutions/ceepus and www.ceepus.info