Institute of Chemistry

1. Evaluation of emission of fotochemically active gaseous organic compounds from the organic precipitation and undergrowth in selected tree regions of Poland, prof. Valery Isidorov; contact:
2. Study of electrochemical properties of two-component films of fullerene C60 and transition metal complexes and their practical electrotechnological application, prof. Krzysztof Winkler; contact:
3. Application of olefin metathesis in synthesis of macrocyclic compounds, prof. Jacek Morzycki; contact:
4. Study of potential application of fullerene[C60]-transition metal complex polymers in electrotechnology, prof. Krzysztof Winkler; contact:
5. New polymeric sorbents and their application in trace analysis of noble metals, Beata Godlewska-Żyłkiewicz, Ph.D., University Professor; contact:
6. Magnetic and structural properties of electrochemically generated nanostructures formed on the basis of porous and structural matrixes, Beata Kalska-Szostko, Ph.D.; contact:
7. Application of “small” carbon nano-onions in biodetectors, Marta Płońska-Brzezińska, Ph.D.; contact:
8. Trace analysis and photostability of selected types of drugs in surface water, Barbara Starczewska, Ph.D., University Professor; contact:
9. Application of metathesis reaction in synthesis of retinoids and carotenoids, prof. Jacek Morzycki;

Institute of Biology

1. Allometries of metabolic rates as a consequence of the relation between genome and cell size, prof. Marek Konarzewski; contact:
2. The role of acid phosphatases in acclimation of crop plants to phosphate deficiency in the ground, Iwona Ciereszko, Ph.D., University Professor; contact:
3. Stable or trailing edge? - analysis of genetic differentiation in the marginal populations of /Betula humilis/ Schrk, Katarzyna A. Jadwiszczak, Ph.D.; contact:
4. Influence of genomes and cells size on metabolic rates in diploidal and triploidal
water frogs Rana esculenta, Jan Taylor, Ph.D., University Professor; contact:
5. Relict group of mouse population in the Biebrza River Valley – revealed by different classes of molecular markers analysis, Mirosław Ratkiewicz, Ph.D., University Professor; contact:
6. Influence of the level of basal and maximal metabolic rate on voluntary activity in laboratory mice, Andrzej Gębczyński, Ph.D.; contact:
7. Hydrochemical differentiation with respect of water/land ecotons on example of the Suwałki Landscape Park, Elżbieta Jekatierynczuk-Rudczyk, Ph.D.; contact:
8. Evolutionary history of boreal plant species, Ada Wróblewska, Ph.D.; contact:
9. History of the Wigry National Park dystrophic lakes (hardtack type) in the light of the Holocene succession of their vegetation, Danuta Drzymulska, Ph.D.; contact:
10. Genetic diversity and phylogeography of the European hamster (Cricetus cricetus L.) owing to an increasing threat to species in Central and Eastern Europe, Agata Banaszek, Ph.D.; contact:
11. Influence of Cyanoprokaryota blooms in Siemianówka reservoir on Narew River plankton below the dam, Magdalena Grabowska, Ph.D.; contact: